In the course of Open Source Management our team members had to write a review of the other team’s campaign.
First of all, I had a lot of trouble installing their campaign which resulted in numerous error dialogs. At first I thought this was because I use a rather “special” OS system – Windows 7 64-bit in Estonian. Also, like in the classroom in TLU, I installed the beta version of BoW to my system. Therefore at first I tried looking into the main configuration file to create some workaround.
Later on my team members all shared in Skype the same problems and offered a solution – to install BoW stable version. As for them, this helped me also.
The campaign was about a some sort of mobster, that terrorized the villages around him (collecting roof-money etc.).
I have to admit that I am bad at non-real-time-strategy games, therefore maybe the level “easy” that the team had made, was still difficult for me.
This was because I tried to kill all the soldiers that attacked me, but later on I understood that I had to kill the nemesis up north. This wasn’t said in the scenario introduction (simply collect the villages). So I had a whole interesting hour trying to get to the second level.
Now, thanks to the help from Ott, I managed to reach to the second level. I have to stress out, that there should be always a re-birth limit for the bad guys. Some reality should be implemented.
The second scenario was again different than described. My old strategy of killing the enemy or quickly escaping towards the goal-point didn’t give me success.
On the third scenario my limited play-skills ended, because I just got constantly killed. So sadly I can’t report anything else.
I’d like to state out that for example when playing my all time favorite Wolfenstein, when you select the level easy, it really is easy, and you could kill your opponents simply by “wearing them out”. Ok that is a little bit of lie.
So at the end, I’d like to say, that although the campaigns were made very creatively (I liked that the units images were imported, not used the inbuilt one’s), I had a somewhat half-made feeling towards the scenarios when playing the campaign.
But great creativity and I only wish, that someone from the community would continue to generate a campaign with more elaborate and storyline’d content.