Wednesday, October 6

NIE Task 2: Creating a study plan

When planning my weekly activities, theres four fields of activities that are needed to be unified / my hobbies, my work, my studies and my family.

I usually plan these related events to my Google Calendar. Sadly during the last years all of my time-planning has gone over to that application, meaning I cannot promise no school-, hobbies- or family-related tasks before checking availabilities.

This principle of course requires me to regularly check my upcoming events which has made me check my calendar at least 3 times a day. Although this sounds pretty sad, I wouldn't imagine my life without these kind of calendar applications.

But onto to the main question - what are the processes I go through when planning my study semester? First of all I register myself to all available IMKE (my major) subjects as there are always a lack of them. Later on I import the IMKE calendar to my Google Calendar and then start re/organizing all of the events that were scheduled to the dates when IMKE courses take exist, in favor for IMKE subjects.

For the next step I browse through the university`s subjects catalog found in the study info system and I filter out all of the subject related to my interests - mostly media, management etc. related subjects. Then I look into the ASIO calendar base where I seek the dates of each of these interesting courses to me. If the date of a particular course suits me - meaning my calendar has open spaces at that time, I register myself to that course. I continue this route of actions until I have reached a 34-38 ECTS quantity in my semester study plan.

For the final step I share my calendar with my family so they can be in touch with my whereabouts on different days.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I like the way you have tried to present this: with every action there is also an instrument mentioned that was needed in order to carry out a specific action. You have provided a nice example of how people nowadays can't manage without a calendar anymore, and especially digital calendar…
