3 assignments on the study material Towards the Information Society
Mind-quake - Change of the role of USSR in WWII
When dealing with my father and his view on the events regarding the role of Soviet Union, that is the most ideal example of Theobald's 'mind-quake' and the difficulties related to the need of change to it. Of course there are different, more IT-related mind-quakes (from hacker to cracker; linear-wars to cyberwars), but the "pain" and also the disturbance of changing your views on a subject that's for half a century was perceived 180 degrees differently, is in my opinion a very good example of a mind-quake (mind-ruptures?!).
All beliefs are constructed for us. Countless semioticians etc. have concluded that everything we perceive, are perceived in that way because of our education, society, parents or other alike features of humanity. In the case described before, the belief of USSR troops being only liberators and not occupiers/terrorizers , was implemented on my father during his studies in high school, service in the military and by his parents, who had been through the same in their work-time etc.
From Theobald's view of mind-quakes, the situation is as follows - everything my father knows about WWII history, is wrong, since the model (history) has been retold by Eastern-European politicians and historians, who in some fields rule his social environment (him being a citizen and a media-consumer). Now should come the "constructing a new image of the past", that being achieved bit by bit. I could say, that this has happened. Thanks to documentaries shown on ETV, a lot of historical events have gotten sidelines for my father. What then was race to Berlin, in the goal of freeing the world from fascism, is now also series of raping, terrorizing and hooliganism towards the local people.
Of course it is always questionable, if the new model is the correct or more honest/true model. That makes it extra difficult for the older generation to live through the mind-quake fast, because they have greater life-experience and more developed sense of ignoring bullocks than the young generation. But as always, the society forces or lures us to accept the same beliefs as the majority, as the fear of rejection is strong within us.
Paradox of time - Intensification of our work-time
For me, the Handy's paradox of time is the perfect and at the same time a horrible case of a situation, where the innovation of technology has got me working on projects longer and more stressed.
I am a e-mail-a-holic. When not on a vacation outside Tallinn, I basically read my e-mail twice an hour. Even spam! (well, I don't read it, I delete it, but it's still a waste of my time). Since I am currently not working, the workload on my inbox is not so harsh, but remembering one of my last jobs, I dealed with my work-tasks far more often than only 9 to 5, 5 days a week. This lead to situations, where I had too few sleeping hours, had to say no to sports and a lot of my friends were left to be web-based buddies, not real-time mates for life etc.
I want to stress out, that my employer didn't force me work on my spear time (there were some tough dates on some certain projects, but that is common in our country), I rather got addicted to it. Himanen spoke about the race of work, that is more and more hitting our work-force all over Europe and I have to admit, it is quite bad.
I think the basis of the paradox lies in technology - exchanging letters, organizing conferences or leading a project - ALL now being web-based, have become so fast, that we can do more in lesser time. But when we do something fast, we always doubt in it's quality. I personally then try to compensate the feeling by doing more.
Why the feeling? I guess it comes from comparison - comparing my work to forerunners, colleagues from different fields of work etc. Of course this is not a truly correct thing to do, because the development of instruments supporting my work a optimized every year, thus giving me more means to work faster, more effectively than my predecessors.
Now, I control this over-working habit by not using mobile-phones and I read (theoretically, since I am currently not working) my work-related e-mails only on site (behind my office desk). Of course this leads to my employer thinking, that I'm not working as hard as my rivals would work, so the situation has a chance to become a loop.
Network society: information based economy
How to analyse something, that is apparent?
The transition to hard-core information-consuming/creating/depending economy took it's form in my belief just lately. Idea behind this is, that you will not succeed by having state-of-the-art capital, qualified labor and a good monetary health, instead you (your company) has to have the advantage of "knowing". Whether the knowing consists of policies soon to be adapted by the government or multinational organisations; knowing what your competition is doing or knowing what the market wants tomorrow - these are the aspects that will bring success to one's company today.
Example - Lenovo, freshly started laptop-producer (not so fresh though, as they took over IBM's section) versus Apple (no introduction needed). Although Lenovo - being more successful in industrial means (cheap labor, massive production availability, even a wide line of products (Apple has basically only 3 laptop-products), but still the more successful economically and socially (customer satisfaction, market awareabouts) is Apple. Why? Because of their great design and marketing efforts, which are generated by INFORMATION gathered from customers, competition etc.
This is not a rock-solid example but it gives the general idea of how a firm's success depends now firstly on the sphere of info where it lies. The bigger, diverse and exact it is, the more greater starting point the company has. Only then will the industrial-age benefits (labor, machinery) take account.
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