Friday, April 2

Krihvel scenarios

Introduction video
First of all, I'd like to state out that I'm a fan of CommonCraft explanation videos. You can see examples of what they have done so far from here:

So what are the main pecularities that I will follow when creating user-how-to-videos (UHTV). Firstly I'd like the videos to stay simplistic in design, meaning that the used colorscope would be minimalistic and the graphics would be greatly assisted by voice-overs.

When thinking about the introduction video, here's how I see it. Te video starts with the description of the situation where a teacher would find oneself: the wish to do something new with the old study-material in the sence of how the kids could learn the nowledge with an interest and a poisitive outcome. Internet and web-based content is very effective in reaching that goal, as it is the main environment for the children to be active today, and Krihvel is an environement coined especially for the needs of Estonian elementary-school teachers by the faculty of Tallinn University.

So the 1 to 2 minute long introduction video would have an intro which will state out the situation, where one should use Krihvel. The following episode would have the scheme of "What is Krihvel". This would introduce the user interface, background behind the creators of the environment and an overall overview of all the features of Krihvel.

The video would end with a simple list of benefits, one would gain, when using Krihvel.

Create a study material
Will be created by Lili Kesa. 

Let students enroll to Krihvel and evaluate your study material
Will be created by Lili Kesa.

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